How does One-on-One MATCHING MEETING work?
The One-on-One matching meeting is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners. 25 minutes run fast but it is enough to build connection before the bell rings for the next talk.
1) Registration
Simply click the “Register now” button.
Create a clear and concise business profile to raise your visibility and generate significantly more meeting requests. Your profile will be visible before, during and after the event.
Practical tips – Describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and who you want to meet in the profile.
2) *IMPORTANT* Add your projects to find investment! (Project Owners only)
Go to your 'Profile' -> 'Add Project Cooperation' to add a new project
Write a simple one-sentence summary of your project as the Title and a clear, informative yet concise profile of your project. Similar to your business profile - a good project profile will generate significantly more meeting requests!
3) Browse profiles of attendees + Send & receive meeting requests
Find out who is offering interesting and promising investment opportunities
Be active not reactive. Send meeting requests to those you want to meet at the event. Adding a note on why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance your request get accepted.
Booking rules?
-> Everybody can send meeting requests to everyone
-> Meeting details will be defined by the organiser after you and your meeting target are both accepted the request.
4) Event Day - 28 November,
HKCEC Office Building!
Access your meetings in Meetings, where you have your complete schedule for the event and the list of your meetings. Check your agenda online or via the b2match app on iOS and Android and meet your business date in-person!
How to initiate a Meeting?



